Our Website is Back Up.

After several months, several efforts, and a ton of time we were finally able to get our website back up and functional after a recent hack. This hack left our website outdated and vulnerable and it has suffered in loss of views, loss of content, and loss of relevancy.

Unfortunately, we were not able to restore all the content that we have created over the past 10 years. We will continue attempts to update the site with prior posts and content, but some of the content will never be restored.

We apologize for the recent issues but hope you will continue to visit the site, which was the source of such helpful information over the years. We look forward to helping individuals who have questions about their accident and injury case and in providing them a valuable source of information.

About Edward A. Brutscher

The Brutscher Law Office is a full service law firm in Louisville, Kentucky, representing victims of auto accidents, personal injury, and wrongful death.
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